Embrace of the Serpent

Embrace of the Serpent


The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of forty years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant.

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Peringkat MovieScout 7.8



Waktu berjalan

2h 5m

Peringkat usia

Negara produksi


Ciro Guerra


Nilbio Torres
Jan Bijvoet
Antonio Bolívar
Brionne Davis
Miguel Dionisio Ramos
Luigi Sciamanna
Nicolás Cancino
Daniel Martínez Pediwake
José Sabogal
Marcilio Paiva
Jaime Pereira
Marisel Mosquera
Pedro Bolívar
Jorge Villa
Mauricio Hernández
Jesús Rodríguez
Fabián Rojas
Gaudencio Toro

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